for chris nakis

He’s had this on his Facebook profile, but when he was younger, he was in a Big Chuck and Little John safety video.  If you don’t know BCnLJ, you either have never lived in NE Ohio, or haven’t ever lived at all.  Enjoy.  He’s the kid with the Browns cap.

point 3 – point 2 is irrelevant (not cs lewis, just the reason behind the quote)

If you find two four-leaf clovers
You give me one

If I find four
I give you two

If we only find three
We keep on looking

Sometimes we have good luck
And sometimes we don’t

If there’s something I’ve been blessed to learn in the last few months,
it’s that you give
and give and give and give and give and give
without expecting anything in return
because maybe
just maybe
you meet someone who also gives
and gives and gives and gives and gives and gives:
then you just spend your days
and you always have more to give.