Poop on McDonalds

How the freak do they think at McDonalds that a McGriddle can be hip? I’m sorry, if I’m a raver, I’m on E, not on bacon. Also, rollerbasketballers will not eat Big Macs. They’re going to eat pavement because there’s NO FREAKING WAY there’s such thing. McDonalds, stop being cool and be dependable.

Random one-liners from my head

1. I’m always impressed at how smart and stupid people can be at the same exact time.
2. I don’t ever say much profound, but when I actually do, people never hear it.
3. “Shit or get off the pot” is one of the most underused and most applicable phrases in life.
4. Who you know really is the way to get around these days.
5. Nothing makes you feel cooler than listening to Frank Sinatra.
6. “I could tell you a lot
But you gotta to be true to your code
So make it one for my baby
And one more for the road
You’d never know it
But buddy I’m a kind of poet
And I’ve got a lot of things I wanna say
And if I’m gloomy, please listen to me
Till it’s all, all talked away

– Frank Sinatra “One For My Baby”
7. Why would someone ruin the best part of their young lives by getting married?
8. Righteous indigation is overrated
9. Grove City has some of the best opportunities for business development living and learning on this campus, and all they have to do is sweeten the deal. Tax incentives, housing subsidies, SOMETHING. Get GCC students to plant here. What a thriving community it could be.
10. The only person who can get it done right is you.
10b. “right” is subjective.

Maybe more later, maybe. I’ve already posted four days in a row or something, and that’s a feat for me, so we’ll see what occurs later. Peace and love.

Funny how things just don’t change…

One of my freshman put this in their profile:

things i’ve learned my freshmen year of college at grove city:
1. studying is overrated
1. grades are overrated
1. you cannot have too much pizza
2. the food at the cafeteria is always a dissappointment
3. pranks need to be an important part of all students life
4. finding an emily is crucial
5. Hoss’s sucks
6. a huge voluptuous chair improves the quality of life
7. gotta brita it up
8. your schedule for next semester never turns out like you planned
9. the best times you have are not planned
10. must be careful of ket rec. there are some immature people there sometimes
11. stealing music is wonderful
12. paris is almost always a little foggy
13. the smelly kid is a dolt
14. the first two weeks were the hardest
15. most of the OB stuff sucked
16. ice can be very slippery
17. worms smell bad
18. smallville is cool
19. it always rains
20. tang is key

I think that could also be “things i’ve learned my sophomore and junior years of college at grove city:”. Funny.

HOLY CRAP! 2 ENTRIES IN ONE DAY!!! (presidential quiz part deux)

So I took another presidential quiz, and found out that John Kerry is my best choice, but at 55% of my views, then Kucinich at 51%, and GWB at 45%. Am I really that wierd? Anyway, cut are the answers to the questions, and my political views. If you want to take the quiz yourself, go to http://www.presidentmatch.com. I’d love to hear your results.

Appoint Judge who will outlaw it: Slightly Oppose
Ban “Partial Birth”: Strongly Favor
Ban abortion except Rape/Incest: Strongly Favor
Parential Notification if under 18: Strongly Favor

Gay Rights
Gay Marriage Ban: Slightly Favor
Equal Rights for Civil Unions: Strongly Favor
Gays openly serve in military: Slighly Favor

Religion in Government
Organized Prayer in Schools: Strongly Oppose
Commandments Displayed in Federal Bldgs: Slightly Favor
Federal Funding of Religious Charities: Strongly Favor

Where do you stand on increased gun controls?
Safety Devices on All New Guns: Strongly Favor
Background Checks on Gun Show Purchases: Strongly Favor
Require Safety Course, License Before Gun Purchase: Strongly Favor
Allow Lawsuits Against Gun Manufacturers: Strongly Favor

How do you feel about the death penalty?
Abolish the Death Penalty: Strongly Oppose
National Review of Death Penalty Fairness: Strongly Agree

What do you think about the following education initiatives?
No Child Left Behind Act: Strongly Oppose
Vouchers for Public, Private or Religious Schools: Slightly Favor
Increase Federal Funding for Higher Education: Strongly Favor

How do you feel about the following homeland security efforts?
The Patriot Act: Slighty Favor
Tighter Immigration Controls: Slighly Oppose

How do you feel about the U.S. efforts in Iraq?
The War in Iraq: Strongly Favor
Turning Over More Political Authority to U.N: Strongly Favor
Immediate Withdrawal of U.S. Troops: Slightly Oppose

Do you support these foreign trade policies?
Embargo on Cuba: Slighty Oppose
U.S. Involvement in NAFTA: Strongly Favor
Mandatory Labor/Environment Standards in Trade Agreements: Slightly Favor (with empahsis on the Environmental Part)

How do you feel about the following health care proposals?
Universal Government-Supervised Health Care : Slightly Oppose
Medicare Prescription Drugs Coverage By Private Insurers: Slightly Favor
Expand Medicaid to Cover More Uninsured Americans: Slightly Favor
Limit Malpractice Suits Against Doctors, Insurers: Strongly Oppose

Where do you stand on the following proposed welfare reforms?
Hiring Welfare Workers Tax Incentive: Strongly Favor
Welfare Benefits for Legal Immigrants: No opinion
Child Care Services for Getting Off Welfare: Strongly Favor

How do you feel about these Social Security reforms?
Raise Retirement Age: Strongly Oppose
Privatize Social Security : Strongly Favor
Cap Payments to Wealthy: No Opinion

Where do you stand on the following tax proposals?
Roll Back the Bush Administration Tax Cut: Strongly Oppose
Roll Back Cuts for People Making Over $100,000: Strongly Oppose
Additional Tax Cuts for Businesses: Strongly Favor

How do you feel about these issues related to jobs?
Raise the Minimum Wage: Strongly Oppose
Extend Unemployment Benefits: Slightly Oppose

How do you feel about these key environmental issues?
Oil Drilling in the Arctic Wildlife Refuge: Slightly Agree
Mandatory Clean Air Emissions Standards: Strongly Agree
Tougher Fuel Efficiency Standards: Strongly Agree

No Party Issues or Experience

Overall Opinion (Scale of 1-5, 5 most important)Social Issues: 3
Crime/Education: 4
Security and International Policy: 4
Benefit Programs: 2
The Economy/Environment: 5


Here’s some pictures I have of the year. Friends and good times.

This is from Spring Party this year. We went to Presque Isle in Erie and then to a Seawolves game. That’s all of the Buffaloes and Buffahoes. =)

This is a picture of Linds and I at the Gala… she looks so good. I look drunk or something.

Here’s a better picture of me with my friend Adam Benjamin.

Here’s a cool picture. This is where we stayed over New Year’s. It was a great time.

Victim Complex… good, bad, indifferent?

i don’t think my livejournal is cool enough, so i’m going emo lowercase. because emo is cool, and it’s awesome to be sad and have a vicitim complex. and so comes the topic of this entry.

Okay, so I can’t do the emo thing. I’m not pissed off enough at myself to do that. I don’t think this world is against me. Hence what a victim complex is in my mind. It’s the feeling that everyone does things because they want to ruin your day, they want to make things miserable on you, and that in the end, you are what Murphy had in his mind when he made his law. I just can’t understand this whole thing. First off, do you really think that people think your that important to try that hard to make your life miserable? I can hardly imagine that people would consider me important enough to ruin my life – nor should they. It seems ridiculous to make that assumption, because people I’d say are good (or at least try to be) 90% of the time. I rarely see people be malcious for its own sake. Secondly, as a Christian, there is no room for a victim complex. God has mapped out my life perfectly for His glory, and so it seems silly to think he’d do anything to hurt me. If I’m a basketball coach, I’m not about to break my point guard’s legs, but bet your bottom dollar I’ll run them through so much conditioning and lifting they’re sick and hurting. So it is with Christ. I don’t think he’d ever once harm me for any evil purpose. God isn’t evil; he can’t be. But I know there’s times where I have to work ridiculously hard and train for His Kingdom. So why the crap should I be whining? What a slap in the face to God! I mean, if I’m going to take a cross-training program, He’s a pretty good trainer. If all I’m doing is fussing and complaining about “oh geez, I have bad parents” or “oh man, my church is horrid, I think I’m going to change them” or “I can’t believe I have to do this!” blah blah blah. Sure, it’s going to hurt on occasion, but it’s there a sense of Godly pride in the fact that you come through something and you’re better for it? Otherwise you’re wasting your own time, and I feel you’re wasting God’s time (though He’d never think that. He’s willing to spend as much time as it takes). Two verses fit here real well:

Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer… Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse. (Romans 12:12, 14)
Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18)

Folks, it’s really as simple as that. Just go through it with a positive attitude with hope and love, keep in contact with the Lord, and continue to serve God’s will. If I’m the point guard and really want to do well, I’m going to keep saying “goodness, this is tough, but how much more prepared am I going to be when the season starts and I have my challenges”. I’m also going to keep talking to my coach, continuing to pick up pointers, listening to his wisdom, and recieving his encouragement and occasional constructive criticism.

So stop complaining. You’re bringing everyone – including yourself – down.

time to go to bed. peace and love.


So I realized something today. I am doing better in my classes, and yet I’m doing less work. I ended up putting it together and really, I’m not working any less, I’m working smarter. One doesn’t have to work with his or her legs constantly moving. Working with your head is clutch.

Where do you fall on the liberal – conservative political spectrum? (United States)

brought to you by Quizilla

I apologize for not updating recently, but it’s been an interesting last couple weeks. I guess if anything, there’s been a lot of different things running through my head, and just things that make me realize I need to make some changes. First off, I’ve come to realize that the biggest thing is that I’m tired of people – myself included – being so stinking concerned about their own hurts and their own pains, and not concerned about everyone else. It seems so selfish – dare I say arrogant – to be so drawn up in yourself that you forget your own effect on others. I’m as guilty of this as anyone. I was hurt quite a few time this semester, and instead of just brushing off my shoulders and walking on, I let it eat at me. Before long, it’s all I became concerned about, and I didn’t do any of the other things that I should have done. Which sucks, because I ended up hurting myself along with that other person.

Coming to grips with this is like breaking a water line and getting a breath of fresh air. No longer allowing others to bring me down so much is such freedom. I refuse to any long allow other people get in my way of service and my Lord. I’m going to be joyful.

Anyway, more later, but class is kicking up. Peace and love.

One of the greatest quotes ever…

I watched Harvey tonight, and it was one of the best movies I’ve ever seen. I think this quote is great, and I don’t know if you can get more insightful than this:

Years ago my mother used to say to me, she’d say, “In this world, Elwood, you must be” — she always called me Elwood — “In this world, you must be oh so smart or oh so pleasant.” Well, for years I was smart. I recommend pleasant. And you may quote me.

Well, Elwood P. Dowd, I did quote you. I highly recommend seeing this movie if you haven’t. Wonderful.

Happy Easter everyone!

Easter Update

Good Good Friday everyone. I figured I’d finally update this little space I like to call my LJ with some of the more recent happenings in my life. For those of you who care little about my life, I shall merely give the headings, then consequently cut the details. Peace. For those who don’t give a flip… http://www.subserviantchicken.com will brighten your day.

1. Dr. Thompson and me
2. Lindsay
3. Working over break (Saved for another time)
4. Ministry thoughts (Saved for another time)

1. Dr. Thompson and me
Dr. Jean-Noel Thompson is our new VP of Student Life and learning at Grove City, and I can’t tell you how exctied I am for many reasons. First, he’s black. For those of you who don’t know our campus, that’s going to sound a bit bigoted, but when you consider we’re about 95% white, it’s nice to have some diversity. I don’t think we have anything against it either. We all had minority friends, so we’re not dicriminatory, but when you’re smack-dab in the middle of Pennsylvania Dutch country, with no affirmative action mandates and little minority population to begin with, it’s not easy to get started. Most minorities that have the grades for GCC are going to go to Yale or Harvard for much cheaper (if not free) than coming here. And as much as that sucks, that’s the way it is. It’s just nice to have little change. Secondly, he’s so willing to help and mentor me. As someone who wants to get into the field of higher education, I love finally meeting someone who was in business and went to higher education… this was my last email from him: from him:


Thank you so very much for your encouragement and willingness to help. Tonya and I are quite excited to join GCC. I have been bragging about you to my staff and to colleagues at the National Association of Student Personnel Administrators (NASPA) conference in Denver last week. It is not often that we have outstanding undergraduate students express an interest in the field of Student Affairs. I look forward to working with and through you! when things settle down a bit, lets get together and chat. Please let your peers know that I am honored to serve and help grow them all! Also let your girlfriend know that we will more than likely take her up on the babysitting offer:>)

He was willing to help even before he was coming here. That’s dedication. And I think we’re going to get along great.

2. Lindsay
I miss her. She’s been in Hilton Head all week, and I’ve talked to her, but I still miss seeing her. I’m beginning to become silly for this girl. I don’t know if that’s such a bad thing. It just kinda is =)

Work and haircut tomorrow. Happy Easter!


This is getting CRAZY. We’re in the process of working through our test in International Business, and double checking answers. Most of the time this is an enjoyable time of test taking, because it’s where we sharpen our skills of debate to launch into reasons why we were right. But I feel like it’s getting out of hand. People become so anal about their grades here, it’s ridiculous. How is the difference between a B+ and an A- on one test going to make or break your life. I don’t know. I guess I’ve never made an emphasis on grades, and more an emphasis on actually doing work and trying. An A or a C won’t make a difference. God’s taking care of that, and I can only bust my butt as best I can.